Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Everybody else is doing it, why can't I?

Alright, I've got myself a blog! Ahh, let the Simpson's quotes begin! Well, mildly altered Simpsons quote, but never mind.

I wanted to post on my husbands blog but I had to join up first so I thought - ok. Everyone keeps saying I should get a blog so now I have. :)

Today has been 'one of those days'. Been awake pretty much since 4:30am, had renal ultrasound and tried to play a little Pokemon Leaf Green. I just beat Erika's gym in Celadon.

The good news is that its Friday! TGIF - Toes Go In First! Strictly Dancing and The Glass House are on tonight!


  • At 2:15 am, Blogger Ben said…

    Hooray, a blog! Hmmm if you wake up at 4:30am again that's gonna be soon... I'll go find the chocolate :)

  • At 11:07 am, Blogger MuzeKez said…

    Yay, you got a blog, you got a blog! :-)

    Did you get the results right away from the ultrasound? Hope your kidneys are all clear!

    Strictly Dancing was a bit dull last night, I thought. They need to get more hip hop kids on the show, too much of the stilted ballroom dancers attempting to look "cool" yo!

  • At 9:43 pm, Blogger Pickwick said…

    Hello! How wonderful to see you have bowed to peer pressure;-)

    Another insomniac online! It can't get any better than this...

    Have fun!


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