Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Poor Daniel Baby.

It's late but I can't sleep. We spent most of tonight at the hospital with Daniel. He got hit on the head by a metal goblet/trophy cup and it left a deep cut about an inch long on his head. It was distressing for all concerned and he has 3 stitches but its all okay now.

Am feeling bad for the poor doctor too.

They say bad things happen in 3's. Well that's 3 trips to hospital for members of the Boyle family in the last 2 weeks. Things can only get better!


  • At 1:09 am, Blogger Ben said…

    Three visits too many! Let's hope things are quiet for a while now... no more triage! Please.

  • At 2:20 pm, Blogger MuzeKez said…

    We thought the same thing - that incident made three! We must be in for a blissfully dull time now.. here's hoping. :-)


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