Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Friday, July 22, 2005


When I was little my Nanna and Poppa gave me one of these for my birthday, I think I was 3. When my parents house caught fire in 1999, 6 years ago last month actually, I lost my little tree house. I still have the family and their furniture, car and everything but no home. Well, they went through a fire - at least they have each other!

Anyway now I find it on ebay and its worth nearly $180! Not that I'd sell it if I still had it but wow, that is amazing.

I might go and check and see how much my other things are worth...


  • At 11:57 am, Blogger MuzeKez said…

    Ooh, it's so cute! What a shame yours was lost in the fire. :( I wouldn't sell it if I had one either, but then.. I see it ended up selling for just over $200!!!

    I wonder if my funny little toy house with the gem people would be worth anything..


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