Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

High school

High school is not something I like to think of very often. I went to Caboolture High and sucked at pretty much everything except writing letters to Jade. If they gave out VHA's for writing personal letters then we would have topped them all.

I removed my details from a while ago because I don't want these people knowing or attempting to remember me. Not that many of them would anyway. But one of the people I went to school with helped to set a stalker on to me in 1994 and I just can't seem to forget that.

I had a man ringing me up and sending me letters wanting to meet me and things like that. I won't go into details but it was very creepy. But the creepiest of all was the day he phoned and read out to me the lines written in the year 12 yearbook beside my name. He had our yearbook. He had my school photo. He knew what I looked like. Only 4 years had passed since school finished, I hadn't changed much. He claimed that one of his friends had a brother or sister in my year level. They gave him the yearbook. He wouldn't tell me who. So that's why I don't really want anything more to do with the people I went to high school with.

If you do the math you will also realise that I had a 1 year old baby and was living alone at the time.

After all these years...

After going by the nickname Inspiral since the middle of 1998 I thought it might be a fun idea to google the name Inspiral and see if I could be found. (I was on page 5). But to my horror there are quite a few Inspiral's before me and guess what they relate to.

A brand of condoms.

Fan-freaking-tastic! How embarrassing is that? I'm called Inspiral on Belly Belly, a conception, pregnancy and birth site! They probably all know and think I'm a twisted freak naming myself after such things! Yuck!

I don't want to change my name, I like it. Well I did like it, now I'm liking it a heck of a lot less. I got my name from the Inspiral Carpets, not that I have ever heard or liked any of their songs, but I liked the word Inspiral. It was better than Crusty, which was my irc nick before someone said it was gross. But I got that nick when a friend of mine mis-pronounced my name and called me Crustine. It also tied in when I became an apprentice chef, baking lots of crusty buns!

I also played Trivbot and Frenzy with the name Milky Way for a while, after the chocolate bar. But that became a bit too wusstacular after a while.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I don't need them at all anymore.

Who needs to go to the Coffee Club and pay megabuckeroonies for a Marco Polo open grill when you can make your own! Which I did tonight for tea and it was very good indeedy.

I'd like to add that the secret ingredient is salt.
Well actually, it is not. But it does help to have one of those really large loaves of herb bread, bbq sauce, chicken breast and a little sliced onion and some cheese on top. Even better than the real thing. Well, that's not entirely true either because its more fun when someone else cooks it for you and cleans it up. Now that I think of it, buying the ingredients to cook it yourself probably does cost more...

After a long wait we (Muzekez and I) finally had the Marco Polo open grills we had been planning to have since the end of October at the Morayfield Coffee Club on Saturday. They were mighty tasty too!