Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Australian Idol group 3

There was so many good ones to choose from in this final group it was just not fair! I want Dan, Lee, Leah and Natalie to go through but of course all 4 can't.

I wish that you could remove Laura from last week and put these 4 through because they all have more talent, singing ability and that x-factor that she just doesn't have. Makes me cranky that someone who stuffed up so hugely gets a crack at being the idol who really should be on the first bus outta there. It's not right Australia. Shame on you all big time.

There is always the wild card round for those who miss out tonight and then we can all vote our fingers off to get Laura out of the final 12 in the first week of eliminations!

And now for something completely different, the baby is not technically late yet as the hospital are going by the 30th of August as the due date. But I have had enough of this pregnancy caper and I want it over as soon as possible.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A time to be born.

I just looked up on the net for a calendar for August 1998 because that is when Ben and I first met, online in an IRC chat room thingy.

I just wanted to check the dates because the baby is due in a week and since we've been together 7 years I was wondering if they might be born on a significant date.

Ok, we met online on a Thursday afternoon, that makes it the 27th of August. Baby is due on the 28th so that's pretty close!

We talked on the phone first on the 31st, which was a Monday. Also pretty close!

Met in person on the 4th of September, a Friday night with lots of Astro Boy and pizza. :) So any of those dates will be fine with me!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

At last!

I have been looking for this book for so long! I couldn't even remember the title but I have finally found it. Now all I have to do is start saving...

It's working!

Thank you Lush I believe the Dream Time temple balm is working! Either that or its a placebo and because I believe in it it is working...

Anyway I haven't had any 2 hour insomnia periods since buying it on Wednesday! I think I will take it to the hospital with me because there won't be much sleep happening with 4 new mums and 4 new babies in the one room together.

Speaking of babies in the one room, we set the cot up in our room for the new baby yesterday. Well, I washed the dust and daddy-long-legs off it and Ben put it together about 3 or 4 times before it was deemed suitable. Now I have to wash the mattress covers, sheets, blankets etc etc.

I am seriously considering going to the Ekka on Thursday. Its the first day and so usually not that crowded. I don't know, we haven't been since 2001. If we buy our tickets from the train station its cheaper so that's what changed my mind. I thought being this close to our baby being born would be too close but by Thursday I'll still have over 2 weeks to go. I want to take Daniel to see the baby animals and the big trucks and things. If anything happens I will be right across the road from the Royal Womens Hospital, probably a better hospital for the baby to be born in than Caboolture anyway.

We had tea at Myles and Cathy's place last night. We usually provide dessert and I bought a packet of Cadbury Milk Chocolate muffin mix to make. I was going to make them into 12 muffins but Ben said just make one big one, like a cake. So I did and it worked out really well! It tasted so good!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A Grand Day Out

Brendan is off to the Gabba on Sunday to see the mighty Brisbane Lions take on Hawthorn. I organised the buying of the tickets online and after paying for them discovered that I would have to take a trip all the way into Bris Vegas to personally pick the tickets up. No, I couldn't get anyone else to do it for me. It had to be me with my card and photo id.

So we all went in today and got the tickets. We stayed a lot longer than I expected as we ended up meeting Ben for lunch. We all had desserts from the patisserie in the Myer Centre too. Yum!

I went to the Kenny's Cardiology and bought some baby bootie things with little cows on them. The cows rattle when you shake them so they will be fun to see when they are being worn on the new baby's little feet.

I also stopped in at Lush, because I can never not go in to Lush, and got some Dream Time temple balm. I am really hoping it helps me get some sleep.