Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

It's working!

Thank you Lush I believe the Dream Time temple balm is working! Either that or its a placebo and because I believe in it it is working...

Anyway I haven't had any 2 hour insomnia periods since buying it on Wednesday! I think I will take it to the hospital with me because there won't be much sleep happening with 4 new mums and 4 new babies in the one room together.

Speaking of babies in the one room, we set the cot up in our room for the new baby yesterday. Well, I washed the dust and daddy-long-legs off it and Ben put it together about 3 or 4 times before it was deemed suitable. Now I have to wash the mattress covers, sheets, blankets etc etc.

I am seriously considering going to the Ekka on Thursday. Its the first day and so usually not that crowded. I don't know, we haven't been since 2001. If we buy our tickets from the train station its cheaper so that's what changed my mind. I thought being this close to our baby being born would be too close but by Thursday I'll still have over 2 weeks to go. I want to take Daniel to see the baby animals and the big trucks and things. If anything happens I will be right across the road from the Royal Womens Hospital, probably a better hospital for the baby to be born in than Caboolture anyway.

We had tea at Myles and Cathy's place last night. We usually provide dessert and I bought a packet of Cadbury Milk Chocolate muffin mix to make. I was going to make them into 12 muffins but Ben said just make one big one, like a cake. So I did and it worked out really well! It tasted so good!


  • At 9:28 am, Blogger MuzeKez said…

    Ooh, have fun if you go to the Ekka! Don't spend too much money in the showbag pavilion. ;-) Speaking of which, I haven't seen the showbag list for this year yet! I wonder if they have anything new and exciting..

    A giant chocolate muffin.. sounds like the way to go for my birthday cake this year! Hee! :-) But I'll probably be lazy and pay a visit to the Cheesecake shop, knowing me.

    PS. Glad to hear the temple balm is working!

  • At 11:43 pm, Blogger Ben said…

    It made a good cake ;)

    Cot was a little tricky, bit of trial and error got it sorted. Not long to go now… :)


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