Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A time to be born.

I just looked up on the net for a calendar for August 1998 because that is when Ben and I first met, online in an IRC chat room thingy.

I just wanted to check the dates because the baby is due in a week and since we've been together 7 years I was wondering if they might be born on a significant date.

Ok, we met online on a Thursday afternoon, that makes it the 27th of August. Baby is due on the 28th so that's pretty close!

We talked on the phone first on the 31st, which was a Monday. Also pretty close!

Met in person on the 4th of September, a Friday night with lots of Astro Boy and pizza. :) So any of those dates will be fine with me!


  • At 5:10 pm, Blogger Ben said…

    unless they want a special day all of their own—in which case they'll need to time things very carefully ;)

  • At 9:44 am, Blogger MuzeKez said…

    So close, so close! :-) C'mon li'l bub, 'tis almost your time to grace this world with your presence. Meanwhile, I like the thought of the bub arriving on Sept 1st - Brendan is born on the last day of a month, so how about this bub celebrates their birthday on the first day of a month! Heehee!

    (Plus.. September is a great month!) ;-)


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