Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Best new show!

The best new show on tv this year has to be SBS's Mythbusters! These guys have so much fun building stuff and then watching it blow up, its just hilarious! Not to mention the fact that I've got a thing for Mr Adam Savage...


  • At 8:05 am, Blogger MuzeKez said…

    Paul McDermott I understand.. but this guy? ;-) Hehehehe! Dad told me about the thing they did with the dead pigs in the car this week.. ewwww! I bet they didn't have quite as much fun as usual busting that myth! Gah!

  • At 8:50 am, Blogger Inspiral said…

    Adam Savage is niiiiice! He's very funny, he's smart and he can build things! He's perfect!

    I've heard that Paul is gay so I had to move on!

    No the dead pigs part was a big mistake I think. They just managed to wreck a really nice, perfectly good car for nothing. However, the mythbusting where they blasted Buster the crash test dummy out of the pipe was so funny!

  • At 1:37 pm, Blogger MuzeKez said…

    Paul is gay?! Where/when did you hear that? I wouldn't have picked that!

    Yeah, I wonder why they didn't pick a crummy car to stuff dead pigs in? Dad mentioned it was a pretty nice car and that the guy who they sold it to for parts wasn't impressed with what they had done!

  • At 11:40 pm, Blogger Ben said…

    well, if you've got a taste for savages, at least it's not fred...


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