Inspiral's Spiral

What goes around comes around.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Inspiral's encounters with wildlife.

After posting about the lizards I realised I should probably post about the other animals that have crossed paths with me.

I guess the first animals I started rescuing would be the big green tree frogs. They would make this really loud noise and you would find them being attacked by a cat. After rain they come out around where we live now. There has been a few times when driving home I've stopped the car, picked up a big frog from the middle of the road and handed it to Ben to hold until we get home.

I touched a platypus as it swam down the gutter after a night of heavy rain in the early hours of a morning in 1992. How rare is it to see a platypus, let alone touch one? :)

Didn't even know we had koalas around until we moved out of the main part of Caboolture. June/July school holidays this year the boys and I got to see one up close as we tried to change its mind from crossing the road. It went up a tree but only to about my height so I put my hand out expecting it to rake its claws across my hand. All it did was sniff my fingers and then I patted it. I don't know if you are allowed to touch them, being protected and all but it was soooo soft.

Helped an echidna cross the road near our house. Came home late one night and saw a shape on the road. Thinking it was a cat or something I went back to see. I got a huge shock to see it was an echidna! Ran back to the car to get everyone to come and see it. It tried to roll into a ball in the middle of the road so I nudged its back end gently to get it to slowy shuffle its way off the road and out of danger. They are just so amazing and there have been too many times that I have been driving around town and seen a dead echidna on the side of the road.

Last year while driving Brendan to school we came across a tawny frogmouth injured on the side of the road. At first it looked like a bundle of rags. I went up to it with an old nappy I had in the car and I scooped it up carefully and took it to the animal hospital on the way to Bribie. It was such a beautiful bird. I don't know if it recovered or not. Hopefully it did.

There have been many lizards too! A few blue-tongues and geckos as well as the bearded dragons.

A ring-tailed possum took a flying leap onto my chest as we tried to get it off the top mum and dad's fly screen door. It had been chased their by their dogs, well probably by Bandit. Jock is 16 1/2 and has only 4 teeth so it probly wasn't him.

We've had heaps of black and white butterflies come out of their chrysalises they built on our ficus too.

Wow, even I didn't realised there had been so many!


  • At 12:02 pm, Blogger Ben said…

    Enough for your own TV show :)

  • At 11:28 am, Blogger MuzeKez said…

    Yes, I think you missed your calling! Maybe you should get a job at Steve's Australia Zoo? :-)

    I don't think I'd ever heard about the platypus. That's just awesome! Poor thing must have lost its way to be swimming down a gutter though. Did you mean a gutter on the road or am I way off track? *hehe*

    By the way, we'll have to go for a picnic one weekend at a park nearby that has heaps of ducks and bearded dragons. Or are they water dragons? Either way, there are lots of them! I went to the park with a friend on the weekend and while we were throwing bread for the ducks, we saw an eel swim up to munch on the bread as well! Icky! But yes, lots of wildlife to encounter there, I love it. :-) I think the boys would probably like it too!

  • At 2:21 pm, Blogger Inspiral said…

    Um yes, that would be the kind of gutter at the side of the road, not the ones that go along the edges of the roof of a house. Lol! I only just re-read my post and realised I should have made that clearer!


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